Handling employee(s) misconduct outside work is a different scenario compared to when in the workplace, misconduct in the workplace can be dealt withRead More…
Handling employee(s) misconduct outside work is a different scenario compared to when in the workplace, misconduct in the workplace can be dealt withRead More…
Improving productivity in the workplace should have a top priority in the internal processes of an organization. Irrespective of the size of your busRead More…
Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, you might have the best ideas, strategies, personnel. If you can’t manage or meet the day-to-day neeRead More…
Performance appraisal is being adopted by many organizations, it is needed to take some strategic or tactical decisions at the middle or top managemeRead More…
Digital footprints of your business are all the online activities inclusive of mentions, comments on articles, posts on social media, Read More…
You need an accountant while growing or managing your business, delegation of this is non-negotiable. The accounting aspect is a major task, and mostRead More…
Stock control is a very important issue, if not managed well, it can lead to loss of money, loss of customers, or impact negatively on the cash-Read More…
In recent times, the demand for improved work-life balance is on the increase. This demand has a surge because of the COVID-19 pandemic. MaRead More…
Music in the workplace. This is an interesting and diplomatic topic. There are varying decisions and arguments on this topic, they are divided aRead More…
Before the advent of Sage Accounting software and other software, accounting was a long and laborious undertaking. All activities were doneRead More…