Music in the workplace. This is an interesting and diplomatic topic. There are varying decisions and arguments on this topic, they are divided aRead More…
Music in the workplace. This is an interesting and diplomatic topic. There are varying decisions and arguments on this topic, they are divided aRead More…
Before the advent of Sage Accounting software and other software, accounting was a long and laborious undertaking. All activities were doneRead More…
As a business owner or manager, dealing with suppliers is something you can’t shy away from. If not done properly, it could significantly increase yoRead More…
Empower your employees so they can be motivated to grow your business. You should develop strategies to keep and motivate them by giviRead More…
Budgeting tips are needed to guide business owners or managers, especially if you want to prepare a budget to reduce costs and have proper planning. Read More…
Salary decrease is a topic most people don’t want to talk about, no one desires a salary reduction myself inclusive. However, at a point in life, eRead More…
Business awards go a long way to help your business both on a short and long basis. Business awards can be used for marketing, securing more sales, bRead More…
A Nigeria parlance I came across says, “If something is not chasing you, then you’re chasing something”. In this context, we would usRead More…
In today’s world where businesses are constantly seeking competitive advantages in a competitive and dynamic business environment, with business inteRead More…
Of all the roles new business owners need to take on, dealing
with accounts and keeping records are tricky. Also, poor decisions can
also cripplRead More…