keep your workforce happy

5 Ways to Keep Your Workforce Happy.

In truth, it is not expected that you haven’t taken steps to keep your workforce happy. Despite your best efforts, it still feels like you can’t win Read More…

benefits your employee want

7 New Types of Benefits Your Employee Want

As a manager in today’s business clime, knowing that there is a difference between benefits your employee wants and benefits a particular employee Read More…

3 Reasons For Employee Payslips To Be Online

Many years ago, discussions on the need for employee payslips to be online were considered for selected employees. A major criterion tRead More…

business get the skills it needs

How to Make Sure Your Business Get the Skills It Needs in 4 Ways

How does my business get the skills it needs in the face of skills shortages or gaps is the question on the lips of managers when faced witRead More…

ERP business management software

How to Make Best of Your ERP Business Management Software in 7 Ways

When an organization decides to deploy an ERP business management software, this is a decision that is costly, as this involves the cost of the softwRead More…

5 Everyday Life Skills That Your Business Needs

As a person starting a business for the first time, it is widely acknowledged that it’s not an easy undertaking. However, imagine a situation where yRead More…

prevent cash flow crisis

How To Prevent Cash Flow Crisis In 6 Ways

Monitoring how money is entering and leaving your business is a recipe to prevent cash flow crisis from happening. Keeping track of money is verRead More…

tips for small businesses

6 Useful Tips For Small Businesses

The following tips for small businesses are presented in a simplistic form such that it doesn’t add more complexity to what you’re faciRead More…

business growth can negatively affect you

4 Ways Business Growth Can Negatively Affect You.

From the title, you might be puzzled as to how business growth can negatively affect you. For many stakeholders, business growth means success, whichRead More…

increase your number of customers

8 Steps to Increase Your Number of Customers

Customers are the bedrock of any business, your business cannot survive without them. This makes it necessary for you to increase your number of custRead More…